Students are expected to conduct themselves in accordance with all school policies, rules and procedures including, but not limited to, the following:
- Respect themselves, each other, teachers, staff, and guests by showing honesty, integrity, kindness, and compassion.
- Be at school, in every assigned class, on time, every day.
- Complete all homework and assignments as requested by teachers.
- Care for all school property and equipment including textbooks and other items provided by the school.
- Adhere to the school’s dress code.
- Use digital devices responsibly and appropriately, following the High School's guidelines and expectations.
- Avoid bringing valuables or large amounts of money to school and keep personal items secure. This includes any personal items of value that can be lost, stolen, or broken.
- Conduct oneself in a manner that reflects positively on the school and all HKIS students.
- Use appropriate language at all times.
- Stay within designated areas of the High School campus.
- Manage difficult issues in a responsible manner.
- Serve as a positive role model for one’s peers and for younger students.
- Conduct oneself in a manner that exemplifies honor, self-respect, integrity, tolerance for diversity, and compassion for others.
These guidelines help to define the expectations the school has of every member of the community. It is important to remember, though, that no written list covers everything that can happen in a school year; situations may arise which are handled according to the best judgment of the administration.