Harassment Prevention & Reporting

This policy covers all students, employees, parents and all other parties having business with Hong Kong International School. In the High School, appropriate disciplinary action will be taken against any person who demonstrates unlawful, offensive, or harassing behavior or who instructs, threatens, or aids another person to commit harassment. Harassment can be physical, verbal, nonverbal, and electronic. Every effort will be made to ensure that all cases of harassment will be dealt with confidentially and impartially.

Employees who are in a position of authority, such as teachers and supervisors, are under particular obligation to ensure that harassment does not occur at the school.

Definition and Additional Notes
In addition to the definitions listed above in Policy 3170, note that:

  • Harassment is: verbal and non verbal or physical conduct intended to threaten, intimidate, taunt or coerce.
  • Harassment in any form is prohibited.
  • Sexual harassment in all areas of employment and education is unlawful under the Hong Kong Sex Discrimination Ordinance.

The school will communicate this policy to all employees, parents and to students at an age appropriate level, and advise teachers and supervisors of their specific responsibilities. The school will also provide training as necessary and establish procedures for the prevention and investigation of harassment.

Protection against victimisation
Any victimization of or retaliation and/or reprisals against an individual, complainant or alleged harasser, who in good faith reports or provides information in an investigation about behavior that may violate this policy, is unlawful and will not be tolerated.

Furthermore, malicious use of this procedure (e.g. false accusations) will also not be tolerated.

Procedures for Students at the High School

Note: Procedures may be initiated by the Complainant (begin at Step 1) or by individuals in a position of authority, such as teachers and supervisors, who suspect harassment has occurred (begin at Step 3).

Responsibility Action

Step 1)
Tell the harasser that his/her behaviour is unwanted and must stop. If the situation is resolved, stop here. If the situation is not resolved, proceed to Step 2.


Step 2)
Report the matter to the Associate Principal for Student Life or counsellor. Please understand that once the mater has been reported, an investigation and follow-up will ensue.

Associate Principal for Student Life

Step 3)
Investigate the allegation, or appoint an appropriate third party to investigate the allegation. Listen and obtain information about the incident(s) from the Complainant. Inform the Complainant that you will also be speaking with the alleged harasser and other individuals, e.g. witnesses, respective parents, if applicable.

Step 4)
Approach the alleged harasser and provide an opportunity for the alleged harasser to respond to the allegation, and an opportunity for a mediation meeting where appropriate.

Step 5)
Document the incident(s), outcomes of investigation and recommendation. Include any signed, written statements as provided by the complainant or alleged harasser.

Step 6)
Disciplinary actions may include, but are not limited to: requiring an apology, verbal or written warnings, police or other public authority involvement, counseling, suspension, dismissal, and expulsion. Disciplinary actions may apply to either parties: the alleged harasser or the complainant if it is a false accusation.

Step 7)
Communicate the decision and resolution to relevant parties.

Alternative Procedure

Complainant or Defendant The school strongly encourages individuals to try and resolve complaints of harassment internally. However, if you feel the situation is dangerous or you are uncomfortable bringing the issues to the school's attention, you may at any time contact the Equal Opportunities Commission (www.eoc.org.hk) for fee information and advice, or contact the police directly.


Reports and investigations of harassment will be kept confidential, except in the following circumstances where limited disclosure may be necessary:

  • To protect an individual from harm
  • For the purpose of conducting a full and fair investigation.
  • To provide an opportunity for the accused individual(s) to respond.
  • To protect the reputation and integrity of the school.
  • To take remedial action and respond to the Equal Opportunities Commission or police inquiries or legal action.

Any persons found to have breached the confidentiality of the process will be personally liable and will face disciplinary action.

Off-campus Fighting / Bullying / Cyber Bullying

HKIS has guiding principles that are to be followed should students be involved in incidents of off-campus fighting/bullying.

The following steps will be followed whenever students are involved in off-campus fighting / bullying:

First Incident:
All parents will be notified that the school is aware of the situation and that the off-campus bahavior affects the campus community. It will be made clear to all parties that the High school maintains a safe environment for all students, and that any off-campus issues must not be brought to campus in a way that undermines safety and the sense of community.

Second Incident:
If a second incident occurs on or off campus, the student we will be suspended and the administration will becomes involved in the disciplinary process. Parents will be required to meet with an administrator and counselor to discuss ways forward.

Third Incident:
If the situation continues, the police will be informed and involved, there will be a parent conference and further plans of action and disciplinary consequences will be determined, including the possibility of being asked to leave HKIS.