Dress Code

High School Dress Code

This dress code was written by a team of students with student and faculty input. It was revised and updated in Spring 2022.

Dress Code Guiding Principles

The High School dress code is based on our belief that student dress should reflect the values of the school and respect the seriousness of our purpose. HKIS students are expected to be appropriately dressed while on campus or representing the school elsewhere. Accordingly, they are expected to accept the spirit of the code and to follow the principles of respect and modesty. Students, parents, administration, and faculty are responsible for ensuring that students are in compliance with the dress code. Administrators and teachers are expected to respectfully enforce dress code expectations.

Dress Code Expectations

Students must wear:

  • Tops that are not see-through, have sides sewn together under the armpit, straps over the shoulder, and cover the back and chest.
  • Bottoms that are not see-through and reach at the upper leg (hips to knee).
  • PE uniforms during PE*.

Students may not wear clothing that:

  • Features violent language or imagery.
  • Features images or language depicting drugs, tobacco or alcohol, or any illegal items or activity.
  • Features hate speech, profanity, innuendos, or pornography.
  • Is see-through or where undergarments are visible.
  • Exposes the midriff at all; the bottom of the top must meet the waistband of the bottoms.

Students may choose to:

  • Wear headwear, although teachers may request their removal or addition for specific activities.
  • Color their hair.
  • Wear religious or traditional clothing.

*Required uniform for PE classes available for purchase in the Dragon Shop.

Process for addressing dress code violations

  • Faculty should approach students respectfully in a quiet and private area and explain an unbiased version of the violation in question.
  • After the conversation, students will be required to change into more appropriate dress, put on clothes available in the main office, or be sent home. Parents may be notified.
  • An administrator may be asked to intervene if the student does not respond to the redirection.
  • The faculty member should close the conversation in a supportive manner.
  • Depending on the transgression, the student will either be expected to change clothes or put on clothes available in the main office.
  • If rules are severely or repeatedly disobeyed, an administrator will meet with the
  • student and discuss the expectations of appropriate dress at HKIS.
  • If a pattern develops (2-3 violations) parents will be informed and called in for a
  • conference with the student and administrator.

(Reviewed June, 2022)