Graduation Requirements

To earn a diploma from Hong Kong International School, a student normally attends High School for four years and must earn a minimum of 22 units of credit, 18 of which must be distributed as follows:

  • English – 4 credits: Four consecutive years of English are required. In Grades 9 and 10, the requirement is satisfied through the Humanities I and II courses. In Grades 11 and 12 students have a choice of several stand-alone English courses.
  • Social Studies – 2 credits: These credits include Asian studies and an American studies which are met in grades 9 and 10 through the Humanities I and II courses.
  • Religion – 0.5 credits: Students will take a 1 semester religion course of their choosing in addition to Spiritual Explorations in either grade 10, 11, or 12.
  • Mathematics – 3 credits: These credits include an Algebra and a Geometry course and vary depending on initial placement.
  • Laboratory Science – 2 credits: These courses must include one full-year of a life science and one full-year of a physical science.
  • Modern Language – 2 credits: Consecutive levels of a single language. 
  • Art & Design – 1 1/2 credits: These courses must include one semester of visual arts, design and technology and one semester of performing arts. The remaining 1/2 credit may come from either department.
  • Wellbeing – 3 credits: These courses are part of the “Wellbeing Block” and include Spiritual Explorations (1/4 credit each year),  Physical Education (1.5 credits), Health (1/2 credit in grade 11), and grade-level Counseling Seminars (each year).
  • Interim – Successful completion of Interim each year at HKIS.
  • Senior Project – Senior Project is an opportunity for students in their last year to create a yearlong project through which they follow a passion, or develop an interest, develop a skill, and perhaps leave a legacy to the school and wider community. They present their project at the end of the year, demonstrating an understanding of their learning and how it connects to HKIS’ Student Learning Results.

Distributive Credits: 18
Electives: 4
Total Required Credits: 22 


Interim is a weeklong, off-campus learning experience designed to challenge the hearts, minds, bodies and souls of HKIS High School students. This alternative education program features a range of opportunities, each one weaving Creativity, Collaboration and Resilience into the experience. The program forms an integral part of the High School curriculum and serves as a graduation requirement for all High School students. The diverse program offerings include a variety of physical/outdoor adventures, community service, cultural experiences and internship opportunities.

Interim is a carefully constructed program that presents students with challenges and opportunities for personal growth. The experience is designed to help students:

  • Build relationships through interactions with other students and faculty members.
  • Cultivate a spirit of community.
  • Collaborate as a member of a team.
  • Improve communication, leadership skills, self-reliance and compassion.
  • Develop resilience by venturing out of their physical, emotional and intellectual comfort zones.
  • Discover newfound talents and interests.
  • Gain greater self-knowledge and a richer understanding of the world around them.
  • Grow in responsibility and independence.

While some courses demand explicit contributions to the communities that host them, all options compel students to draw upon the values they have developed at home and school as they encounter new situations and novel challenges. Students emerge from the program with a more profound sense of self, an enriched appreciation of human diversity, and deeper insight into the values that inspire compassion and humility.

American Studies 

The American Studies requirement is fulfilled by the completion of Humanities II or Humanities II in Action. Students who enroll at HKIS after Grade 10 and do not have a US History or Government fulfilled can meet the requirement through AP US History or AP US Government and Politics.

Note: If there are situations where a new student entering in grade 11 or 12 cannot fit this requirement into their schedule, or the requirements are not a good fit for the student, the student will submit a written explanation as to why the requirement cannot be met. The written explanation will also include, when appropriate, where the student may have met the requirement in their past school or co-curricular setting. This written explanation will be submitted to the student’s counselor and the Associate Principal for Academics.

Asian Studies 

The Asian Studies requirement is fulfilled by the completion of Humanities I or Humanities I in Action. Students who enroll at HKIS after Grade 9 can meet the graduation requirement by earning credit from among the following courses:

Chinese: 1 credit at any level
Senior English: 1 credit
Learning Service in Action: 1/2 credit 

Note: If there are situations where a new student entering in grade 11 or 12 cannot fit this requirement into their schedule, or the requirements are not a good fit for the student, the student will submit a written explanation as to why the requirements cannot be met. The written explanation will also include, when appropriate, where the student may have met the requirements in their past school or co-curricular setting. This written explanation will be submitted to the student’s counselor and the Associate Principal for Academics.