Physics (Honors)

Subject Area
Credits 1

Biology or Chemistry (B+ or above), Biology Honors or Chemistry Honors (B or above) and
Advanced Algebra (B+ or above) or completion of Advanced Algebra Honors

Home Learning
Course Description

Honors Physics is an introductory physics course that explores the topics motion, forces, momentum, energy, gravitational and electric fields, electric current, magnetic fields, waves and information. Student capacity for independent problem-solving, mathematical reasoning and higher-level critical thinking is expected. Students will be expected to exhibit independence and perseverance in their study habits and to have a genuine interest in physics. The scope of this course includes Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) HS-PS2-1 to HS-PS2-6, HS-PS3-1 to HS-PS3-4, HS-PS3-5, HS-PS4-1 to HS-PS4-5 and include deeper extension of topics at a faster pace.

Learning Outcomes

Students will:

  • Develop an appreciation of the role of physics in everyday life.
  • Make observations, design investigations or solutions, analyze and interpret data, and present scientific arguments based on experimental results.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the mathematical relationships in physics and apply them to everyday situations.

The course will include core unit formative/summative assessments. Understanding of concepts will be developed through collaborative lab experiences, tests and projects. 

Grading Scheme
Standards-based Course