Spiritual Exploration 12

Credits 0.25
Home Learning
Course Description

SPEX 12 is an exploration of spiritual practice and storytelling as students look forward to moving beyond high school in their spiritual journey. Students will create a kintsugi bowl, participate in a Chinese tea ceremony, practice tai chi, try their hand at rock binding and rock balancing, and creating narratives of self and their spiritual journey from childhood until now. The final experience in Spiritual Explorations will walking a labyrinth with their classmates marked by signs of the spiritual truth they intend to carry with them from high school.

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this course, students will:

  • Develop an appreciation for the spiritual heart of Christianity and other major world religions.
  • Demonstrate respect and understanding for people on different spiritual journeys.
  • Begin examining the history, selected texts, and cultural and ethical systems of different faiths and worldviews.
  • Identify the ultimate questions of selfhood, human relationships, and the quest for meaningful existence as addressed by these spiritual traditions.
  • Participate in spiritual practices designed to be accessible for students of any or no religious tradition.
Grading Scheme
Experience-based Course