Hong Kong National Sport

Subject Area
Credits 0.5

Application Form: submitt to the HS Associate Principal for Academics.

Course Description

Eligible candidates may elect to apply for 0.5 credit for the year.


This credit course is designed to create flexibility in a Hong Kong National athlete's schedule so that the minimum yearly credits can be met. 

  • Prospective candidates must represent Hong Kong internationally in a sport recognized by the Sport Development Board.
  • A student is eligible to earn credit only once (i.e., 0.5 credit) out of the 4-quarter credit courses required.
  • HS administration approval must be obtained.
  • Candidates must have qualified coaches who train them concurrently and are prepared to write an evaluation at the end of the course as well as verify each training session the students attend (a signature confirming they are willing to do this is required).
  • Candidates must currently be training more than five hours a week in their sports.
  • Candidates must have clear and definable goals related to their sports.
Learning Outcomes

Students will:

  • Gain experience in goal-setting and self-motivated learning.
  • Develop responsibility for training and designing a program which is independent of the structured school day.
  • Develop an understanding of the level of commitment and perseverance needed to be a member of a high level sports team.

Completion Criteria

  • Keep a reflective journal for each training session 
  • Meet with the HS counselor periodically throughout the year to ensure that the requirements for this credit are being met.
Grading Scheme
Experience-based Course