Prerequisite Courses
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Course Description
Giving students an opportunity to continue and develop their passion for fashion and textiles. Building on their skills acquired in the Introduction to Fashion & Textiles.
Using the design cycle, students will develop skills to ideate, research and communicate fashion design as well as develop their own designs. Students will learn to adapt commercial sewing pattern, along with refining manufacturing skills for functioning prototypes, culminating in a mini fashion show and a digital portfolio.
Learning Outcomes
Students will:
- Learn how to develop and source ideas from the world around them from different times, places, and cultures to inspire their own work through research and observing other designers and designers.
- Explain how the choices of artists and designers show references to historical, contemporary, and cultural influences in their work and their own.
- Demonstrate the sequential development of ideas and concepts through research, drawings, and mock-ups. The visual journal will document experiments with materials, techniques, and processes in conjunction with research and contextual studies.
- Use a variety of materials, technologies, and processes to make well-designed and constructed clothing.
- Reflect on and respond to their own and others’ designs. Through the reflection process, students will review, adapt, and modify their work to realize their intentions.
The assessment of student achievement is based on:
- End products (understanding the process and quality of the finished and functioning textile product).
- Visual journal and contextual displays: this will include research, the development of ideas, evaluations, critiques, reviews, handouts, and written assignments.
- Peer and self-critique.
Grading Scheme
Standards-based Course