English/History 10: Humanities II

Subject Area
Credits 2

Humanities I OR Humanities I in Action 

Note: Students may take Humanities II regardless of which 9th grade Humanities course they took.

Home Learning
Course Description

(1 credit of English and 1 credit of Social Studies)

This course explores the multifaceted question: What does it mean to be an American? Students examine this question from multiple perspectives of class, race and gender as the country expands and develops from its pre-colonial beginnings. American ideals of democracy, equality, individual freedom, justice and prosperity are contrasted with American realities. The approach is an interdisciplinary one using historical documents, literature and film. Ultimately, the course challenges students, most of whom have limited exposure to American life, to think beyond stereotypes as they prepare for their experience at an American university. Along the way, they become better critical thinkers who can express themselves more effectively in their writing and speech.

Learning Outcomes

Students will:

  • Connect American history, culture, and literature to people's lives.
  • Recognize the interplay of continuity and change, and cause and effect.
  • Develop the ability to read and analyze a variety of texts.
  • Develop an understanding of historical perspective and bias.
  • Develop an ability to explain and defend a point of view, substantiating ideas with accurate and relevant detail.
  • Develop an understanding of the power of writing and images to transform human experience.
  • Establish a personal voice through the writing process.
  • Produce persuasive, narrative, descriptive, and analytical writing.
  • Develop and use research strategies for presentations and papers.
  • Contribute to and learn from class and group discussions.
  • Speak articulately and confidently to an audience.

Student assessments may include:

  • Processed writing
  • Socratic seminar / shared inquiry
  • Research process
  • Individual and group presentations and projects
  • Discussions an class activities
Grading Scheme
Standards-based Course