Advanced Painting

Subject Area
Credits 0.5
Prerequisite Courses
Home Learning
Course Description

This is an advanced painting course with an emphasis on student directed projects. The course will introduce a range of techniques and processes, while also focusing on the development of a personal studio process with strong connections to contemporary ideas. As such, a central component will be on making connections between personal work and a contemporary art historical context. To facilitate this objective, the course is designed to be supplemented with slide presentations, class discussions, research and written assignments. There will also be multiple class critiques as the semester progresses

Learning Outcomes

Students will:

  • Generate, analyze and implement ideas for their own work.
  • Develop and refine technical drawing and painting skills.
  • Research and analyze the work of artists with an emphasis on contemporary ideas.
  • Understand and apply a variety of skills, media, techniques and processes.
  • Experiment, take risks and problem solve in the studio to make informed decisions about media and techniques.
  • Present and reflect on their work and the work of others through critique, written reflections and discussions.
  • Studio Projects
  • Digital portfolios (idea generation, experimentation, reflection and analysis)
  • Sketchbooks (research, development of ideas, reflections, written assignments)
  • Research
  • Critiques + Class Discussions
  • Presentations
Grading Scheme
Standards-based Course